Geological consulting & research

(Consulting geologiczny i badania gologiczne)

Thin sections Lab

(laboratorium płytek cienkich)


Thin sections service and consulting

Thin sections are an essential tool in geology for the study of minerals and rocks at a microscopic level. A thin section is a wafer-thin slice of a rock or mineral that is mounted on a glass slide and ground to a thickness of about 30 micrometers. This thin slice allows geologists to examine the mineral composition, texture, and structures of rocks under a petrographic microscope. From their first use in the 19th century, thin sections of rocks have been an important source of information for geologists. To reach the best results from thin sections analysis it to have high quality of thin sections. Our company are producing high quality of thin sections which are dedicated for microprobe analysis or microscope observations (petrography examination) in transmited or reflected light. For thin section preparation we are using only high quality materials, fro grinding, lapping and polishing we are using professional machines but always last is chceking the quality of thin section with expirienced person.

Preparation: Thin sections are prepared by cutting a thin slice of a rock or mineral specimen using a diamond saw. The thin slice is then glued to a glass slide and ground down to the desired thickness using a series of abrasive materials. Petrographic Microscope: Geologists use a polarizing petrographic microscope to examine thin sections. This type of microscope uses polarized light to observe the optical properties of minerals, such as birefringence and pleochroism. Mineral Identification: Thin sections are invaluable for identifying minerals present in rocks. Different minerals exhibit unique optical properties, allowing geologists to distinguish between them based on factors like color, birefringence, and crystal shape. Texture Analysis: Thin sections provide information about the texture of rocks, including the size and arrangement of mineral grains. This helps geologists understand the rock's history, such as its cooling and crystallization processes. Structural Geology: Thin sections are also useful for studying the deformation and structural features within rocks. For example, they can reveal the presence of faults, folds, and other geological structures that may not be visible to the naked eye. Geochemistry: Some thin sections are prepared for geochemical analysis. Techniques such as electron microprobe analysis can be used to determine the chemical composition of individual minerals within the thin section. Teaching and Research: Thin sections are widely used in educational settings, where students learn about rock and mineral identification. In research, they are essential for detailed petrological and geological investigations. Digital Imaging: Advances in technology have led to the development of digital imaging techniques for thin sections. Digital microscopes and cameras allow geologists to capture high-resolution images and share them for collaborative research and teaching. In summary, thin sections play a crucial role in advancing our understanding of Earth's geology by providing detailed insights into the mineralogical composition, texture, and structures of rocks. They are a fundamental tool for both educational purposes and scientific research in the field of geology.

Thin section laboratory

In our thin sections laboratory we are able to prepare: thin sections with glass cover, polished thin sections (no glass cover), thick sections for fluid inclusion research, thick sections, polished rock chips, grain thins sections, concrete thin sections.

Deadline of orders 14 days, express 7 days.

  2. GALLERY (under construction)

To send Your geological samples, please use the address below and add the cover letter with information about the deadline and other info about cutting or surface for thin section production.

Thin section preparation

Address for sending the samples: ul. Kolowa 46/11, 03-536 Warszawa, Poland

For any question please use mobile or email in bottom of website.

poszukiwanie złóż

Geology prospecting and exploring for natural resources

Our company have more than 10 years expirience in geology prospecting and exploration for natural resources in Poland and Laos. We are offering full support and consulting in geology projects, including field prospection, sampling, drilling, geochemistry interpretation, thin section examination, reporting and resources calculation.

Desk-Based Studies: Literature Review: Review existing geological maps, reports, and publications to understand the regional geological setting, known mineral occurrences, and previous exploration activities. Data Compilation: Gather and compile existing geological, geophysical, and geochemical data from various sources to develop a comprehensive database for the target area. Geological Mapping: Conduct detailed geological mapping of the target area to identify rock formations, structures, and geological features that may host mineral deposits or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Collect rock samples for laboratory analysis to determine mineralogy, alteration, and geochemical signatures indicative of mineralization or hydrocarbon potential. Geophysical Surveys: Employ various geophysical methods, such as seismic reflection, gravity, magnetic, and electrical surveys, to acquire subsurface data and identify potential targets for further exploration. Interpret geophysical data to delineate geological structures, stratigraphy, and potential mineral or hydrocarbon-bearing zones. Geochemical Sampling and Analysis: Collect soil, rock, and water samples for geochemical analysis to identify anomalies and trace element signatures associated with mineralization or hydrocarbon migration. Use advanced analytical techniques, such as ICP-MS (Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry) and XRF (X-ray Fluorescence), to quantify elemental concentrations and determine the geochemical characteristics of the samples. Drilling and Exploration: Based on the results of geological, geophysical, and geochemical investigations, plan and execute exploratory drilling programs to test potential targets and evaluate the presence of mineral deposits or hydrocarbon reservoirs. Conduct logging, sampling, and testing of drill cores or cuttings to assess the geological characteristics, mineralogy, and potential economic viability of the discovered resources. Resource Estimation and Evaluation: Utilize geological data, drilling results, and statistical methods to estimate the size, grade, and tonnage of the mineral deposit or the volume and recoverable reserves of oil and gas. Evaluate the economic feasibility and investment potential of the discovered resources, considering factors such as commodity prices, extraction costs, infrastructure requirements, and regulatory considerations

Expirience in geology exploration and prospection

Poland - copper&silver sediment hosted type deposits

Poland - gold vein type deposit

Poland - limestone, dolostone, gravel and sand deposits

LAO PDR - Gold vein, gold epithermal, porphyry type deposits

Kazakhstan - Coal, Gold vein deposit

Kyrgyzstan - gold epithermal deposit

Mongolia - porphyry copper&gold, epithermal gold deposit

Looking for geology prospects

In order to constantly expand the offer of our company for international markets, we are interested in new geological projects.

poszukiwanie złóż

Petrography examination

The microscopic investigation of materials such as minerals, rocks, ores, technical and other synthetic products in transmitted and reflected light remains one of the classic, and to this day indispensable, mineralogical methods of analysis. Polarized-light microscopy provides a non-destructive way to identify solid substances (whether crystalline or amorphous) with relatively high spatial resolution, while the phases can be studied within their textural framework. It allows an estimate of chemical compositions and provides clues to the history of formation of the material, using specific textural characteristics (structure, fabric, phase assemblage, phase relationships, reaction textures). Thus, in many respects polarized-light microscopy has distinct advantages over bulk-analytical methods that use sample powders for phase identification (XRD) or for the analysis of chemical composition (XRF, AAS). The limitations of polarized-light microscopy are obvious where the chemical composition of complex solid solutions has to be determined, or where the material is too fine-grained to allow the identification of single phases. Depending on the specific objectives and the nature of the material to be investigated, a modern study in material science will therefore aim to combine polarized-light microscopy with complementary non-destructive methods of high spatial resolution (EMPA, SEM-EDX, TEM).

Petrography examination of rock

For petrography examination of rock we are offering thin section preparation service with ordynary thin section with description of rock forming minerals. This type of petrography examination is dedicated for geology resources testing and geology material testing with microphotograph documentation.

Petrography examination of ore mineralas

For petrography examination of opaque minerals we are offering thin section preparation service with double polished thin section preparation. Description and microphotograph documentation and moreover the SEM-EDX analysis will included to the service.

Petrography examination of marbles and limestone for AGA analysis

AGA (adjacent grain analysis) is dedicated for discrimination of marble and limestone blocks to susceptible the bowing process of natural rock materials.

Petrography examination

blue dye in thin sectionspolished thin sections

Rock pore configuration, area–volume ratio, fracture index, fracture density and width, pore throat coordination number, and so on can be measured accurately by cast thin section. Combined with ordinary polaroid, cathodeluminescence thin section, fluorescence thin section, thin section staining techniques, and so on, the cast thin section can be used for determining the types and occurrences of frame grains, matrix, cement, and other sensitive minerals, describing type and origin of pores, and estimating strength and structural stability of rock. This is very important for reservoir protection, sand control, and acidization designs during well completion. Also petrography of ore minerals could let us know more about type and genesis of deposit. Microscpe analsis in transmited light and reflected light bring us closer to understanding process of ore creation and give more information about control factors and microstructures or rock and minerals.

The petrography examination can be connected in one service with thin section preparation, samples collection and core logging.

sample collection for thin sectionsrock samples collecting

Looking for investors in geology project

For investors we have prepared few proposion for prospection projects and exploration. The investitions are form 30KEuro up to 20MEuro, from gold to iron. See more

Geology Consulting Service

Exploration planning and management.


Who we are

The ABC A HED company has been founded in 2009 as a geology consulting company. While realizing many geological projects we were preparing the microprobe, microscope and statistical analysis from core material and thin sections form hundreds of archival boreholes in Poland. Since 2012 we are selling our thin secctions products and services to Polish research institutions and Europenian Union.

Since 2011 as a leader of geology team in one of geology prospecting exploration company in Poland I have gained experience in conducting exploration projects for polymetallic ore deposits in poland, preparing licences for polimetalic ore prospecting and exploration in the poland and Laso country.

The thin section lab

In the thin section laboratory we are able to prepare high quality regular and polished thin section for transmited and reflected light polarized microscope observations. The size and thickness of thin sections are depends from the customer order. The regular thin sections with glass cover have 30 micrometers of thickness, the polished thin sections dedicated for microprobe EPMA tests should have about 50 micrometers. We are using the dimonds liquids to to achieve the best effect of polishing.

The geological research

The ABC A HEAD company offer the wide range of service, starting from field exploration and prospection, conducting and monitoring geological exploration, logging of drill cores, collection the geological samples, preparing expert reports of the mineral composition of rock samples, preparing the research reports, develop of exploration projects and exploration and recognition licenses, with particular reference to metallic and basic raw materials.

In addition, the company performs descriptions of research preparation for geological documentation and geological expertise in the field of petrography of rocks and architecture.

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Company Mission

The mission of the company is to match geology services to customer needs, commercialize scientific achievements in the field of exploration of deposits, create new research tools and optimize financial resources in geological projects

in addition, the company provides high-quality research preparation for scientists, research companies, exploration companies and consultants

The metals prospection/exploration licence in poland

Poland is rich country with natural resources like coal, copper, silver, lead and zinc ore, potassium salts and rock salts. In Poland there is still high potential for discovery of new polimetalic deposits. Lets see the oportunities for potential investors.

The field prospection

The prospecting and exploration it is not only the idea, creativity and experience but also effective use of the investor's resources. Therefore, prospection work can be carried out in a classic style or optimized to the client's needs.

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kontakt / contact us

W sprawie wykonania geologicznych płytek cienkich proszę o przesłanie próbek geologicznych na adres podany poniżej. Próbki powinny posiadać opis oraz zawierać oznaczone miejsca cięcia lub powierzchnie z której wykonany ma być preparat badawczy.

The geological samples for thin sections You can send using the address below. The samples should to be signed with numbers or have other description moreover they should to have marked the surface of cutting or the surface of the thin section.